Laws and policies for mask wearing and social distancing Research what the laws will look like when you first welcome everyone back to the office, and how they might change over the first six months following the return. This way, you’ll be prepared with company guidelines and policies. For example, even during times when government mask mandates are inactive, you might want to have a policy in place that states that employees are able to continue wearing masks if they wish. And if mask mandates come back into legal effect, you might enforce them in hallways and common areas, but allow employees to take them off in their offices or cubicles, provided there’s enough space on all sides. But please don’t take our word as gospel and check out the restrictions for your office location. Typically you can find these in the UK on the website. “We’re working to limit physical interaction with clients. This is possible by executing orders via the Internet or telephone, contactless delivery or controlled entry of persons (while avoiding crowds outside the premises) and physical distancing inside and outside the business premises.” Mike Sheety, founder of That Shirt Sanitizing hot desks and common spaces according to schedule Many companies are increasing the frequency of their cleaning schedules. If hot desk availability is mapped out daily, then each hot desk will need to be cleaned at the end of every day. For common areas, you might also clean these every day instead of once a week. “For the employees that don’t have their own office, we are guaranteeing them at least six feet on all sides, with the option of a partition or cubicle. In addition to our nightly cleaning service, we’ve added a lunch-hour service that will sanitize high-traffic areas like the break room, reception, and meeting rooms. I’m sure we’ll have to adjust as we navigate the ‘new company workplace,’ but first things first. Employee wellness, and then follows effectiveness.” Alison Pearson, Head of HR at Hal Waldman and Associates 10

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