
Tate Cuts Hidden Costs and Carbon Footprint Significantly Tate has saved thousands of pounds using Gett’s best-in-class, corporate ground travel solution to identify hidden costs, streamline procedures and reduce red tape. Tate also benefits from secure transport that meets its staff’s diverse travel requirements, while dramatically reducing the company’s carbon footprint. Meet Tate Location: UK The Goals Industry: Government & Non-Profit A user-friendly experience so employees can manage their own travel needs Tate is a key artistic institution in the UK. Starting as a single gallery back in 1897, Tate has now evolved A secure system that protects employees and into a network for four art galleries: Tate Britain, Tate meets the company’s duty of care Modern, Tate Liverpool, and Tate St Ives. Its mission is to promote public knowledge, understanding, and The ability to streamline travel management, enjoyment of British art as well as an appreciation of cutting down on bureaucracy international modern and contemporary works. A green solution to enable a 10% reduction in Tate’s carbon footprint by 2023 The Challenges Over a thousand Tate employees had to be able to travel quickly and easily between the company’s four locations. Whether moving heavy video equipment or attending meetings, the staff’s ground travel needs were varied and complex, made more so by multiple departments managing their own travel, and using a range of providers. Additionally, Tate needed a solution that helped the company meet the challenge of becoming greener, without negatively impacting its bottom line. TATE CASE STUDY gett.com

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