What happens if someone at your company contracts COVID-19? Even vaccinated individuals can contract COVID-19. Although their symptoms would most likely be minor, they could pass the disease to other people. That’s why a case should still be treated seriously. Talk with your company’s leadership team to come up with a policy that reflects your government’s guidelines and your company’s values for health and safety. If an employee feels unwell or displays any symptoms associated with COVID-19 or any of its variants, they should still take a test. If the test is positive, they should notify their immediate manager and the office manager and discuss next steps as per your company’s policy. Some companies might be eager to return to their same team-building activities and company events. Others might choose to reduce group activities in order to lower the likelihood of viral spread. Your choice might depend on vaccination uptake, city rates, and employee comfort level. With your survey or focus group, get a sense for what employees are comfortable with. If you do plan to host an event, make sure to consider the handling of food and other items. Maybe hot potato and music chairs aren’t such good ideas any more. Small compostable dishes with individual servings of dips might be a better idea than a big bowl of dip that everyone scoops out of. Procedure for positive COVID-19 cases Updating team-building practices and company events TAKE CARE 15 gett.com

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