Investing in a greener office One positive outcome of the pandemic was that many people fell in love with simple living, and realized they could make do with less. Aim to get back to business in a more sustainable way than ever before. Here are some important ways to do this: 1. Provide secure bike storage for employees to increase their likelihood of using bikes and scooters. 2. Downsize your office if possible (to reduce energy consumption). 3. Encourage employees to work at office hot spots and common areas during heat waves or cold spells (offices tend to be more energy efficient than homes). 4. Offset ground transportation emissions and encourage use of electric taxis. 5. Improve the energy efficiency of your office's heating and cooling if possible. 6. Provide cloth napkins, handkerchiefs, and towels and set up multiple laundry baskets as opposed to trash bins (and hire a laundry service). 7. Purchase more energy efficient light bulbs. 8. Provide zero-waste or low-waste office snacks and team lunches. 9. Purchase re-usable lunch containers for employees, to reduce waste generated by returning to the office. 10. Encourage employees to dress informally unless they have a client meeting or industry event to reduce fashion waste (make every day casual). A lot is changing. Use this opportunity to make some important changes that address the climate change crisis. 14

Getting Back To The Office - Page 14 Getting Back To The Office Page 13 Page 15