Review detailed analytics of all bookings Booking travel in consolidated platforms also offers unprecedented transparency. When it comes to spend-related concerns, 57% of companies say that lack of visibility tops them all, according to research by Aberdeen. With consolidated spending, you can login at any time and get detailed analytics into which groups, individuals, and teams are spending the most. If you have a flexible travel policy which allows bookings outside of policy, you can also discover who books outside of it most frequently and figure out why. UK Based? Recover as much VAT as possible Most organizations don’t have effective VAT reclaiming systems in place. The UK is gradually raising VAT rates on business travel back to pre- pandemic levels, meaning that it’s even more important to recover what you can. TravelPerk automatically collects VAT-ready invoices for planes, and offers a VAT invoice collection service for hotel bookings. A VAT account manager will declare the amounts and get reimbursements for any doubled- up payments or overages. 12