THE TOTAL ECONOMIC IMPACT™ OF GETT GROUND TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLATFORM 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY noncompliant rides taken, the organization was able to save over $2 7,000 over three years. • Time savings on processing ground travel expense claims. The organization’s finance team used to spend hours each month manually processing employees’ expense claims submissions — verifying trip details, following up on discrepancies and errors, etc. Gett helped to automate the entire ground travel expense management process, saving the organization close to 1,000 hours over three years, translating to $ 22, 0 00 in resource savings over three years. • Total time savings on expense claims submissions. Similarly, migrating to Gett's platform also made the expense management process more streamlined for employees. They no longer had to spend time and effort on submitting expense claims, which saved the organization significant time and resources amounting to over $12, 0 00 over three years. • Savings from fraud protection . Another common issue related to expense management that organizations often deal with is fraud. With ground transport ation , fraud may come in two forms: supplier overcharging or employees overinflating expenses. Gett provides transparency in fees for both riders and the organization, eliminating the risk of fraudulent claims. For the interviewed organization, fraud avoidance is estimated to save approximately $ 5,9 00 over three years. Unquantified benefits. The customer also shared some additional benefits that were not quantified and included in the financial model above: • New insight into the organization’s ground transport ation spend ing . Prior to Gett , the organization’s management had very little ins ight on why or how ground transportation costs were adding up, and it took a lot of manual work to perform general estimates or analysis. Gett allowed the organization to easily get insight into th eir overall ground transportation s pend. • Increased visibility on staff movement and safety. The interviewee shared that their employees often have to travel home late at night . In some cases, when taxis were not readily available, they had to wait in the dark fo r a long time for their ride. With Gett, ride bookings can be made en masse and employee movement can be monitored centrally for safety assurance. • Insight on its carbon footprint. Gett helps the organization keep track of the number of miles its employees have traveled, including carbon emissions estimated based on the types of ride s they use . Organizations can also report the se findings to executive bodies or legal entities. • Impro ved employee experience. The interviewee reported that employees are enjoying the convenience and flexibility of using Gett . The app is user - friendly and provides the same convenience that employees would find in any consumer - facing app th at they would usually use . Costs. Risk - adjusted PV costs include: • Total Gett fees. These amount to $ 45 ,500 over three years. The interview and financial analysis found that the decision - maker’s organization experiences benefits of over $119,000 over three years versus costs of $4 5 , 5 00 , adding up to a net present value (NPV) of about $74,000 and an ROI of 1 62 % . Total cost savings ( lower priced rides, fraud prevention and improved compliance ) 29%