THE TOTAL ECONOMIC IMPACT™ OF GETT GROUND TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLATFORM 1 Executive Summary As corporate travelers become exposed to an increased number of ground transportation vendors, the challenge of managing and consolidating those providers into one centralized place has become more apparent. The corporate ground transportation management rema ins fragmented with very few organizations having full visibility of the volume and costs associated with it. Leading organizations need tools to manage and control their spend in real - time as well as to ensure safety of their employees. Gett provides a technology platform to help organizations manage corporate gro und transportation spend. Gett commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study and examine the potential return on investment (ROI) enterprises may realize by deploying its g round t ransportation m anagement (GTM) p latform . The purpose of this study is to provide readers with a framework to evaluate the potential financial impact of Gett's GTM platform on their organizations. To better understand the benefits, costs, and risks associated with this in vestment, Forrester interviewed the decision - maker of an organization who has experience using Gett ’s GTM platform . Forrester used this experience to project a three - year financial analysis. Prior to using Gett ’s GTM platform , the interviewee noted how th eir organization struggled to monitor and manage ground transportation spend. Even though there were company travel policies in place, the organization faced practical challenges in enforcing those rules. Moreover, the processes of booking and managing rid es as well as submitting and processing expense claims were inefficient and time - consuming. KEY FINDINGS Gett’s GTM platform provided the organization with the opportunity to set up, adjust and enforce company travel policies and reduce the overall number of out - of - policy rides taken. It also removed many of the inefficiencies associated with tr av e l expense management. Quantified benefits. Risk - adjusted present value (PV) quantified benefits include: • To tal cost savings on rides. Gett consolidates ride options from different vendors on its platform, allowing users to compare prices and select the most affordable option , without having to compromise on convenience . The eas y access to lowe r - priced rides helped the organization sav e about $52,000 over three years. • Total s avings from improved compliance with travel policies. Prior to Gett , the organization found it difficult to efficiently enforce its employee travel policies. As a result, employees often ended up taking rides that were not compliant with its travel policies. With Gett , users are only presented with ride options tha t they qualify for, allowing the organization to enforce its travel policies smoothly. By reducing the number of Return on investment (ROI) 162% Net present value (NPV) $74K KEY STATISTICS